Based on reported happiness and life satisfaction, equally weighted (Ranked from happiest to least happy. Negative scores indicate that a majority of the population is unhappy/dissatisfied with life)
Denmark 4.24 Malaysia 2.61 Croatia 0.87
Puerto Rico 4.21 W. Germany 2.60 Morocco 0.87
Colombia 4.18 Vietnam 2.52 India 0.85
Iceland 4.15 France 2.50 Uganda 0.69
N Ireland 4.13 Philippines 2.47 Zambia 0.68
Ireland 4.12 Uruguay 2.43 Algeria 0.60
Switzerland 3.96 Indonesia 2.37 Burkina Faso 0.60
Netherlands 3.77 Chile 2.34 Egypt 0.52
Canada 3.76 Dominican Rep 2.29 Slovakia 0.41
Austria 3.68 Japan 2.24 Hungary 0.36
El Salvador 3.67 Spain 2.16 Montenegro 0.19
Malta 3.61 Israel 2.08 Tanzania 0.13
Luxemburg 3.61 Italy 2.06 Azerbaijan 0.13
Sweden 3.58 Portugal 2.01 Macedonia -0.06
New Zealand 3.57 Taiwan 1.83 Rwanda -0.15
U.S.A. 3.55 E. Germany 1.78 Pakistan -0.30
Guatemala 3.53 Slovenia 1.77 Ethiopia -0.30
Mexico 3.52 Ghana 1.73 Estonia -0.36
Norway 3.50 Poland 1.66 Serbian Bosnia -0.45
Belgium 3.40 Czech Rep 1.66 Lithuania -0.70
Britain 3.39 China 1.64 Latvia -0.75
Australia 3.26 Mali 1.62 Romania -0.88
Venezuela 3.25 Kyrgyzstan 1.59 Russia -1.01
Trinidad 3.25 Jordan 1.46 Georgia -1.01
Finland 3.24 Greece 1.45 Bulgaria -1.09
Saudi Arabia 3.17 S Africa 1.39 Iraq -1.36
Thailand 3.02 Turkey 1.27 Albania -1.44
Cyprus 2.96 Peru 1.24 Ukraine -1.69
Nigeria 2.82 S Korea 1.23 Belarus -1.74
Brazil 2.81 Hong Kong 1.16 Moldova -1.74
Singapore 2.72 Iran 1.12 Armenia -1.80
Argentina 2.69 Bangladesh 1.00 Zimbabwe -1.92
Andorra 2.64 Bosnia 0.94 Mean: 1.57
Source: Combined data from 1995 – 2007 World Values Surveys.
To maximize reliability, data from the last three waves are combined.
Countries with negative scores, indicate predominantly unhappy or dissatisfied publics.
6 Responses to Subjective Well Being in 97 Countries