Located directly east of Nelson and south of Harrop. In 1993, a road and trail existed up Lasca Creek. This area was involved in a forest fire in 2003. Previously getting to Mill Lake involved a 2-day backpack, but that has all changed.
A new access road has shortened the trail into a reasonable day hike. Much of the forest burnt in 2017 and the trail now cuts through open slopes recovering with fireweed.

Difficulty: B1 moderate
Elevation gain: +521m
Distance: 4.4 km one way
Season: late June to late September
Map: 82F/11 Kokanee Peak

Drive. Take the Harrop Proctor Ferry and drive 2.3km on the main Harrop Proctor Road. 0.0 km. Turn right on the East Harrop Main Line Road. The road climbs over a series of switchbacks with small water bars. 2WD low clearance vehicle with care.
4.3 km. Fork right and follow the main road with Mill Creek far below. Avoid the left spurs.
9.4 km. Park

Trail. Drop down a steep bank, cross a tributary creek and climb through the open forest.
1.7 km. Coss Mill Creek on logs and climb steeply through open slopes and charred trees.
3.5 km. Near Mill Creek again, the trail steepens before levelling out to a plateau of wetland by the lake.
4.4 km. The small subalpine lake is surrounded by toasted trees.
Return the same way.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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