This relatively unknown trail in the northern part of Kokanee Glacier PP gives access to the alpine basin at the head of Sturgis Creek drainage. Mining ruins, flower-covered meadows, and extensive views across the Keen Creek valley are all part of the hike.
This provides the first leg of an overnight trek to Silver Spray Cabin and the Woodbury Creek drainage.
Difficulty: Difficult if the trail is not cleared
Elevation gain: 622m (2040′)
Key elevations: TH 4275′; Revenue Mine 7140′
Distance: 6.4km
Time: 3-4 hours one-way
Season: July to October
Access: Moderate
Map: 82F/14 Slocan
Drive: Keen Creek Rd. Closed at km 15.
From New Denver: Drive east on Hwy 31A 40.1 km (24.9 miles). Zero odometer.
From Kaslo (Junction of Highways 31 and 31A): Drive northwest 6.5 km (4 miles).
0.0 Highway 31A. Start southwest on a gravel Keen Creek Road.
4.6km Nashton Road (left), just before km 5 sign.
6.5km Old road goes right, down; (to Mt. Carlyle, Flint Lakes).
7.4km (4.6 miles) Ben Hur FSR (to Mount Chipman) left just beyond big mine dump pile, km 8 sign. High clearance, four-wheel drive, low range.
11.0km Lake Creek bridge; km l2 sign beyond
11.6km Klawala Creek trail, BCFS road
11.7km (7.3 miles). Long Creek Rd right. (to Mount Heyland & south Mount Carlyle). The bridge is undrivable but may be OK for hikers.
13.2km Kyawats Creek bridge
13.3km New road goes left and up Kyawats
14.8km Old road goes sharply back, up and left. No turnaround.
14.9km Park boundary.
15km Road closed due to a washout at 15.8km (2002). Desmond Creek Bridge (unsigned). Park.
15.7km Road up Sturgis Creek just before washout. This is one way to access the Woodbury-Silverspray area.
15.8 Washout.
Trail/Route: Park at the park boundary. Walk approximately .7km up Keen Creek to Sturgis Creek to the left and just before the actual washout of Keen Creek Road. The trailhead is signed – the old mine trail is likely very overgrown. The poorly-maintained trail heads south along a washed-out mining road for the first 2.4km, then turns east and climbs up the Sturgis Creek valley. Passing through patches of paintbrush and penstemon, the trail steadily ascends the open slope for another 3.2km before reaching the remains of the Reenue Mine bunkhouse and cookhouse, built-in 1917.
The Revenue claim was one of the most productive in the area: 155 tons of silver-lead ore were taken from it between 1907 and 1929.
A short distance along the trail, mine tunnels can be seen guarding the mother lode. Like other old mines that dot the West Kootenay Range, these tunnels are very dangerous; rotting timbers and unmarked vertical shafts make them potential death traps. They should not be entered for any reason.
The trail ends at the mine, but the open hillsides above are ideal for rambling.
What to do?
1. Traverse over the ridge to the south of Mt McQuarrie, the Silver Spray Cabin and the Woodbury Creek drainage.
2. Climb Thornburg Knob 7800′