MT. WILLETT 2755m 9,040′
This was a difficult ascent until the Heart Lake Trail was built from the end of the Salisbury FSR. It gives easy access to the alpine. After the lake, it is an easy scramble to the summit.
This is a wonderful viewpoint down to the entire north end of Kootenay Lake and Argenta; the Duncan continuing north; the Pioneer Range to the east; and the Goat Range across the lake.
From the Kim Kratky trip report below, he states the only reason to climb this mountain is for the views. Despite his comments about access from the Bulmer/Salisbury Basin, their route is considerably longer and more difficult – but the Heart Lake trail didn’t exist then.
Rating: ♦♦♦◊◊
Location: Above the north east corner of Kootenay Lake.
Difficulty: D2 strenuous
Elevation Gain: 1100m – 600m to lake, 500m to summit.
Key Elevations: Park: 1646m ; Heart Lake 2250m 7380’, summit 2755m 9040′
Distance: 10kms round trip
Time: 7 hours
Season: July to September
Access: Good 2 WD low clearance. In 2020, there were relatively few water bars.
Map: 82K/2 Lardeau
e stayed just below the ridge on the south side to the summit.
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Drive: Drive north of Kaslo on Hwy 31 to the small town of Cooper Creek. Turn right (east) onto Argenta-Johnsons Landing Road, Cross the Duncan River on a good bridge, and, on the east side of the Duncan River, turn south. The road is signed for Argenta and Johnsons Landing. Follow this road south for about 10.5 km. Just after the road crosses Bulmer Creek, the signed Salisbury Creek FSR exits to the left (east).
0.0 Salisbury Creek FSR
1.3 km. A spur road exits right (downhill), stay left.
6.7kms. Spur road exits, take the uphill fork.
9.3kms. Park at the road end for the Heart Lake trailhead (50.1245, -116.8730)
Route/Trail: Hike up the Heart Lake Trail towards the end of the meadow in the basin, then cut up the obvious slide path, keep left of the slabs. At the col at the top, don’t follow the ridge expecting a more direct route as the only way off it is a descent down a chute filled with loose rocks. Cross Bulmer basin and take the further right slide path on Mount Willet. Stay just below the ridge on the south side to the summit.
To descend, drop straight down the major draw between the summit and the false summit to the east. Take the more standard way back to pick up the trail – instead of going up to the col continue west in a more gentle ascent to the ridge. There is a trail in both directions on the ridge – turn left/east to descend the slide path that was ascended. Regain the Heart Lake trail in the basin.
From the ’95 Karabiner article “Where Are These Mountains Anyway?” By Kim Kratky
Map: 82K/2 Lardeau
This first entry may not fit the criteria, since there have (I think) been recent club trips to these twin peaks overlooking Argenta on the east shore of the north end of Kootenay Lake. However, I haven’t been able to track down written details on approaches and routes. Carl Johnson, Peter Tchir, and I made a trip to Willett on the long July weekend of 1995.
One of the best parts of this trip is the drive. From downtown Argenta, proceed along the road to Fry Creek Canyon, bearing left at 11 km. from city centre and left again at the Fry Creek car park. At about km. 12, you will see the signposted Kootenay Joe Road. Turn on to it and drive through some fields and past the last houses. Go immediately to 4WD low range. Now enjoy some 7 km. of mostly first-gear low-range driving; be prepared to back up at switchbacks. The motoring part takes about one hour from the heart of Argenta to the car park and picnic table at 6700′. High clearance only. Check your vehicle’s precious bodily fluids before starting. Not for the faint of heart.
Now for the hiking/scrambly bit. From the picnic table, head N. on a trail into “Airplane Basin” (129-495). Ascend to the crest of Kootenay Joe Ridge to the east of a prominent black outcropping and descend snow and ridge to the N. (129-501). Follow a trail through the col at 131-505, keeping to open country just E. of the height of land. Occasional huge cairns are not reliable as route markers. Continue N. over alps (a variety of route choices on E. side of the height of land) to a col at 127-538 and 1.5 km. W. of Winter Pk. Descend a few hundred feet on snow and traverse on snow NW below the 8450′ peak S. of Willett (119-541). The crux is reaching the col at 118-546, which is at the base of the SE ridge of Willett. From snow on the NE side of unnamed 8450′, a snow couloir and easy rock lead to the N. ridge of this peak. An easy descent to the col follows. Alternatively, it may be possible to traverse on ledges or ascend a headwall just E. of the col. Once at the col (7550′), ascend the easy SE ridge and face of Willett to its main, east summit (9040′, cairn and survey marker). This portion is barely third class. Parties may wish to follow the ridge to the west summit (8750′).
Return to the vehicle by the same route. There is another approach to Willett on the W. side of the height of land, via the headwaters of Salisbury and Bulmer Creeks and a col E. of Tooth Ridge. This route presents fewer technical difficulties than the approach outlined above, but is not recommended: it’s longer, involves more route finding, and is poorly marked.
Finally, the geography of the area between Kootenay Joe Ridge and Mt. Willett is complex. Travellers should frequently consult a map and compass. Although our party did not use the rope, some may find it useful for gaining the Willett-Peak 8450 col. Let us know what the view’s like; we were completely whited-out on the summit. This was a significant error on our part because one climbs this mountain only for the view.
Summary Mt Willet 9040′ SE face/SE ridge (III,3,s) Approach from Kootenay Joe fire road, over Kootenay Joe Ridge and via trail and open country to E. of the height of land to reach a col W. of Winter Pk. Traverse the NE side of the 8450′ peak SE of Mt. Willett to a pass at the base of the SE ridge of the objective. Then ascend easy broken rock and heather. 4 1/2 hours up. Route desirability may vary depending on the time of year and snow conditions. Many thanks to Carl Johnson for information on approaches and routes in this area.
Kim Kratky