Highline Magazine surveyed local audiences to create a top 12 list of the locals’ favourite hikes in the Rockies. They pared it down to a top three in each category. All trailheads are within a two-hour drive from Banff.

GENTLE HIKES – A walk. A meditation. Hiking for relaxation. A great dog walk. A hike you’d take a visitor on to show them the goods. Great on a rainy day. Less than two hours return. Minimal elevation gain (1m – 300m).
The Picks: 1. Troll Falls 2. Consolation Lakes 3. Rawson Lake

GO-TO HIKES – It’s a workout. Great views. Never gets old. Could be a great after/before work micro-adventure (if you’re adventurous). Moderate grade, single track, minimal exposure. More than three hours return. Elevation gain (200m+) and/or moderate distance.
The Picks: 1. Heart Mountain 2. Sentinel Pass 3. Iceline Trail, Little Yoho Valley

PUSH YOURSELF HIKES – Great views. Ridge lines, scrambles, alpine lakes and tarns, remote locations. You feel a definite sense of accomplishment when finished. Moderate-intense elevation gain (600m+) and/or long distance. Moderate to intense grade, single track, switchbacks, monderate-intense exposure.
The Picks: 1. Mount Bourgeau 2. Cory Pass 3. North Molar Pass

DREAM HIKES – A bucket list hike! More than 10 hours return or could require at least one overnight stay. Intense elevation gain (900m+) and/or long distance. Ridge lines, scrambles, backpacking trips, remote locations, alpine lakes and tarns, glaciers. Aggressive grade, single track, glacier travel.
The Picks: 1. Rockwall 2. Berg Lake and Snowbird Pass 3. Birdwood Pass to Burstall Pass

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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