There is a subsection of travelLers who are often left out of then solo travel conversation: the women who are in committed relationships but travel alone anyways. It is not weird, but to others, it can be very hard to grasp.
Even though you love being married, there are many situations when the opportunity to travel avails itself.

1. Married Doesn’t Mean Merged
Many couples have blogs. Have you considered merging your blogs? This is perplexed. One, it’s not great business strategy (two blogs make more money than one), and two, you may be great at working in close proximity but not that great at collaboration. It is usually best to keep your work separate.
But most importantly, you are still separate, independent individuals with different business, writing, interests, hobbies and travel styles. Getting married wouldn’t change that. Your goals may be the same but the way you get there differs. We both have jobs that keep us busy and involve travel. It’s not feasible for us to always accompany each other, and we would never want to hold each other back.

2. Time Apart is Healthy
Depending on your relationship, if you also value your individuality, one of the ways to preserve that is through time apart. If you value travel, your relationship may be all the better for it.

3. Do You Like Solo Travel?
Most importantly, if you like the benefits and hidden bonuses of solo travel and genuinely enjoy traveling alone, then why would stop now? You can set your own schedule, wander aimlessly, listen to your own needs without worrying about anyone else’s, be pure selfish, have the opportunity for growth and self-discovery that solo travel affords and solo travel makes them possible. Those moments are rare in real life. If you have traveled solo before your relationship, and your partner values your independence, then give solo travel a try.

4. It Makes the Reunion That Much Sweeter
You surely will miss your partner when away, but I think that it’s important to go away once in awhile so that you can miss him and remember the many reasons I love them so much. The reunion is so much sweeter that way.
Not to mention the present buying opportunities! Pick up little trinkets for your partner. It’s always nice to know someone is thinking about you across the world.

5. You’re Not the Only One
You may not have a unique relationship to solo travel. There are actually plenty of men and women out there who travel solo despite being in a relationship, either because their partner can’t come, doesn’t want to come or for some other reason. Here are so other stories.
Married Travellers: Why I Still Love Flying Solo– Notes of Nomads
No, I Do Not Need my Husband’s Permission to Travel Alone – To Europe & Beyond
Married Solo Travel: Here’s How it Works– The Suitcase Scholar
Traveling Solo While in a Relationship at Home– Twenty-Something Travel (by Kay)

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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