TWIN PEAKS 7,599 feet (Class 2-3)
These peaks are 2.5 miles north of Chimney Rock and are quite impressive when viewed from the summit of Chimney Rock.
Elevation gain:
Key elevations:
Map: USGS Wigwams
Drive: Pack River Access. The Pack River drains a large area of the Selkirk Range between Harrison Peak in the north and Chimney Rock in the south.
0.0 FS-231, Pack River Road leaves US-2/US-95 at Walsh Lake and proceeds north for almost 20 miles to a point just south of Harrison Peak.
8.5 miles, FST-279 Beehive Lakes Trail
Trail/Route: FST-279, Beehive Lake Trail. This trail leaves FS-231 11.5 miles before the road ends. The rail runs 2.2 miles NW to the Beehive Lakes.
Although both peaks are accessed from the saddle that connects them, it is best to climb the north summit first from the southernmost Beehive Lake and then follow the ridge south to the second summit