RECO MT   2530m   8300’’
This trip was more of a drive up Reco Mountain Road (the only way I have been here) than a hike. But as the road deteriorates, there is more walking. I have driven to the pass from both sides in the old days, but now the road is not drivable from Cody and impassable 400m from the pass on the Stenson Creek side.

Difficulty: B2
Elevation gain: 730m (2400’)
Key elevations: End of drivable road 1800m (5900’); Pass 2200m (7220’); Summit Reco 2530m 8300’
Distance: 1.4km from pass.
Season: July through September
Access: Difficult 4WD HC up Stenson Creek
Map: 82K/14 Kokanee Glacier

Stenson Creek Road – good access to the ridge and old mine at 1800m. From here it is a steep, washed-out mine road that leads to the pass at the base of Reco at 2200m that must be walked. Gets some traffic from ATVs but is not drivable by regular vehicles. Half the road is so steep you have to push, but the rest is enjoyable biking up through the alpine meadows and old mine workings.

From Cody – Reco Mountain Road. The road down the other side – Reco Mountain Road – goes to Cody and is steep tight switchbacks. An avalanche has thrown trees across the road, but a route is cut out by the ATVers. 2/3 of the way down, the drivable road resumes and can zoom down the road to Sandon.

Trail/Route: From the pass, the summit of Reco Mt is an enjoyable stroll with flowers and great views.

What to do?
1. Traverse over to Texas Peak – 2 hours one-way from the pass to Texas.
2. Climb Mt Payne (2276m 7467’). Between Payne and Reco is “Mt Suffering”. (this is an interesting section of the map – “Suffering” is exactly on the seam of 82F/14 Kokanee Glacier and 82K/3 Roseberry, and the entire route is covered by mining claims that make the elevation lines difficult to read – I believe it is over 1000’ down to the col from Suffering and then a few hundred feet up to Payne).


About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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