SNOWCREST MT  2865m  9,400′ by Howie Ridge 

For many years, Bob Dean has been trying to encourage me (or anyone else) to go with him to Snowcrest Mt, at 9,400 ft the highest in the Purcells south of the Leaning Tower group.

On a beautiful August 31, 1987, Janice Isaac and I caught the ferry and drove to Grey Creek Store. Driving over Grey Creek Pass on the power line access road brought us to Redding Creek Road at the red emergency building of Crestbrook Forest Company. Snowcrest Mt can be clearly seen from this point. At 32.5 km on the Redding Creek logging road, a branch road led up a side creek for five km into a beautiful creek basin.

After using my one wood to drive a golf ball out into the forest to later confuse an unsuspecting logger, Janice and I set off for the head of the basin above us. Very little brush and 45 minutes and we were above the timber line. We ascended the crest of the long southwest ridge to the summit. They were one or two interesting scramble pitches. The time from the truck to summit was five hours.

Sorry Bob Dean, but there were two large cairns and several records of previous parties.

Instead of following the crest of the approach route back, we skirted along the obvious benches on the northwest side of the ridge. In two hours and fifteen minutes, we were at the truck. Driving time back to Grey Creek was two hours.

This proved to be a very pleasant and scenic trip and would be suitable for a club day trip in the easy-to-moderate category. Be sure to bring your nine iron because I’m positive there is a large log between the ball and the approach shot to the green (note, this is not a free drop area).
Howie Ridge 

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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