MT GLADSTONE   2256m   7402’

This is the second highest peak in Gladstone Provincial Park, north of Christina Lake. The mountain has rare views of both Arrow and Cristina Lakes.

Rating: ♦♦♦◊◊
Location: Off the Paulson Detour road north of Christina Lake.
Difficulty: C2 difficult
Elevation Gain: 1100m
Key Elevations: start 1150m, summit 2256m
Distance: 6kms one way
Time: 6 hours
Season: June through October
Access: Good 2WD low clearance. Before the Paulson Bridge, turn on the Rail Trail and its junction with the Paulson Detour Road. The mountain is easily ascended from any direction.
Map: 82E/1 Grand Forks

Drive: Drive 6kms from Highway 3 to Hooper Creek to start the hike.
Turn north on the on the Paulson Detour Road just north of the Paulson Bridge. After the McCrae Creek Logging Rd, join the rail bed, drive about 2.5kms to the first small field across the creek on the left. Park.

Route/Trail: Cross Hooper Creek on a well-placed log, walk across the meadow to the upper end and an old logging road that becomes a trail. It partially follows Hooper Creek steeply up to south ridge of the mountain. Go left around the large false summit to the real summit. No water.
From the summit, you can see Lower Arrow Lake to the north and Cristina Lake to the south and #3 highway.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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