How much protein do you actually need? Consider these factors.

Protein is the nutritional craze of the moment, but it’s difficult to separate the hype from reality. So we asked nutritionists to weigh in.

A bowl containing various sources of protein, including chicken, chickpeas, spinach, and whole-grain rice. Experts recommend skipping the supplements and getting your protein from whole foods like these since they also contain other vital nutrients.
Protein is big business in the food industry.

That’s been the case for years. The sector earned a reported $5.83 billion in 2022 from sales of powders, bars and other high-protein supplements to customers looking to buff up, lose weight, or simply live a healthier lifestyle. And the interest is only growing: One brand-tracking firm found that online searches for terms like “high protein” reached a five-year high in early 2023.

We are kind of in this protein craze right now where all these foods have protein added. But is the protein craze worth the hype? Or is it just another nutrition fad?

It’s complicated, nutritionists say. Protein is a necessary part of any balanced diet. But it is also possible to take in too much. And there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much protein you might need in your own meal plan—the answer depends on variables like your age, gender, and activity level.

What’s more, the science of protein is constantly in flux. If you talk to a hundred authorities, you’re going to get a multiplicity of answers. It’s evolving.

Why do we need protein?

Protein is a really important component of a proper diet. Protein plays a crucial role to our physiology. Protein-rich foods provide amino acids that the body uses to build and repair tissues, power your immune system, and even help regulate your hormones. Protein also helps you build muscle and fills you up at meals.

Protein doesn’t do its work in isolation, though. Nutritionists say that if you get plenty of protein but skimp on other sources of nutrition, your body will simply burn the protein instead of putting it to work doing all those other useful things.

How much protein do you actually need?

Different people need different amounts of protein. The question of just how much protein a person needs in their diet is “one requiring a bit of nuance. The recommended daily allowance is based on your body weight: About 0.36 grams for every pound that you weigh. That’s about 54 grams of protein a day for a 150-pound person. (A quarter-pound hamburger can contain roughly 20 grams of protein.)

It’s not just your weight that determines how much you need. Gender, health status, activity level, and age all play roles too. You have to look at the whole picture of where the person is. Adult men, who often have larger bodies with more muscle mass, typically need roughly 56 grams of protein a day, while women need just 46 grams—unless they’re breastfeeding, in which case the number shoots up to 71 grams a day. (The American Pregnancy Association recommends as much as 100 grams a day for pregnant women.)

Older adults also need additional protein in combination with a good exercise regimen. As one gets older—as you move from your 20s to your 90s—every single year you’re going to lose 3 to 8 percent of your muscle mass. Your muscle mass is going to determine your ability to maintain independent functioning. Some researchers, then, recommend that people over 65 get as much as 83 grams a day.

Athletes, of course, are going to want and need protein more than most people to build and repair muscle tissue that’s key to their careers. It’s all about good nutrition, and it’s about performance.

Is it possible to get too much protein?

Among athletes and other active people, though, there is often a myth that “the more protein, the better, and nothing else is as important. But athletes, like everybody else, have their limits on how much protein is actually useful. Two grams per kilogram of body weight is more than enough. Any more than that is just not going to help them in any way.

In fact, there can be harm in consuming protein. That’s especially true when it comes to supplements that so many athletes are fond of using. They’re packed full of nitrogen, a key component of the amino acids that serve as the building blocks of protein. However, getting too much nitrogen can put a strain on the body.
Whether you get an excess amount of nitrogen from having too much protein from a food—or more likely from a supplement—that nitrogen has to be metabolized, it has to be broken down, and then the excess is excreted out. And it places a big burden on your kidneys when you have an excess amount of nitrogen.”
That can be a particular problem for people with or at risk of diabetes, which already takes a toll on kidney function.

What are the best sources of protein?

Another reason supplements might not be necessary. Protein is in every food group except fruit. Whole foods are generally healthier than packaged products you can buy off the shelf, even if you’re looking to increase your protein intake. If you’re taking it just as a supplement—just protein, or just amino acids—you’re only going to get that nutrient. But nutrients “work together as a team.” It’s important to get protein as part of a broader mix.

The benefits of variety include the types of protein sources. Meat is an obvious source of protein, but thankfully we can find protein in a multitude of plant-based sources, including lentils, tempeh, tofu, and beans.

Variety is the best. Beans are an amazing powerhouse. But not all protein sources are alike. Animal proteins are “complete” in that they contain all nine essential amino acids, while most plant proteins often have some—but not all—of those aminos. Soy and quinoa are complete proteins; beans are incomplete and should be combined with other sources.

That means it can be more work to get the proper amount of protein from a plant-based diet. You really have to make an effort if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, to choose foods and portions to meet those protein goals. It’s not just the types of protein, but the amounts. While that hamburger might have 20 grams of protein, a half-cup of black beans has just seven.

So how do you figure out what you need?

One thing that annoys nutrition experts? All the bad information out there, often comes from influencers with a lot of enthusiasm but not as much of a scientific background. People providing nutrition information often give harmful information, even though they have good intentions.

If you’re looking for guidance on how much protein to get, or how best to shape your overall diet, experts point to reputable online resources like the federal government’s MyPlate website or EatRight from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. And many health insurance plans cover dietician visits. Registered dietitians can really not only help treat disease but also help prevent disease and enhance quality of life just by improving your diet.

Figuring what’s best shouldn’t be too complicated, though. What matters most is that you build a diet that contains a source of healthy fat as well as a wide variety of plants at every meal. Once this is your foundation, you can experiment with the protein content throughout your day. Check in with yourself. How do you feel afterward? How long do you feel full? How does that set the stage for your day? You know you best.