Many families encounter substantial delays and barriers to receiving a timely autism diagnosis. Can a newly developed app called SenseToKnow help parents?

A mother gives her Autistic son a kiss on the head before school.
New developments in technology, such as Duke University’s SensetoKnow App, may help parents and providers identify autism in children at earlier stages. Photographed above, author Judith Newman shares a quiet moment with her son Gus, who is on the autism spectrum; he requests his customary kiss on the head before he leaves for school.
By Rachel Fairbank

A new digital screening tool may help fast-track the diagnosis of children with autism.

One out of every 36 children is autistic, according to recent estimates from the CDC. The prevalence, which has increased in recent decades, is thought to be due to better recognition of symptoms and improved screening procedures. Even so, families still face challenges, including a delayed diagnosis. For girls and children of minorities, this delay is often longer due to an inability to access the right experts and the variability of symptoms from child to child.

Currently, there is no medical test for autism. Instead, experts diagnose by evaluating a child’s developmental history and behavior.

For the majority of kids, there’s no objective test other than observation of behavior. We’re only relying on parent reports.

For Black and Hispanic children, although their parents start noticing the signs of autism around the same time as other parents, they are still diagnosed later than their peers. These children also must be taken to more doctor’s appointments and are at a higher risk of receiving inaccurate diagnoses than their peers.

In a recent paper published in the journal Nature Medicine, researchers describe a digital screening device that uses machine learning to analyze various aspects of behavior to determine whether a child has a high probability of being autistic or not. When they tested this screening tool—called the SenseToKnow app—in a sample of 475 children, they found it had a high accuracy rate for predicting which children were eventually diagnosed as autistic.

Barriers to a timely diagnosis

Parents are quite good at detecting if something is different about their child. But reporting those concerns to their doctors poses significant challenges, whether it’s difficulty framing the context or finding the right words to describe what they are observing. This is further complicated because autism manifests differently in each child, and the timing of early symptoms can also vary.

Given how variable these signs can be, even when parents report their concerns, pediatricians often don’t have the right knowledge and training to pick up on the fact that it’s autism rather than something else. There aren’t enough providers with expertise, and most general pediatricians don’t have the expertise to do this.

The main screening tool, which is called The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised with Follow-Up, or M-CHAT-R/F for short, consists of a formal screening questionnaire that includes questions about a child’s behavior and developmental milestones. That is then followed up with further questions from a pediatrician.

The M-CHAT-R/F works well in a formal research setting, but when applied in a busy pediatrician’s office where appointments can be rushed, accuracy drops. This drop in accuracy disproportionately affects girls, as well as Black and Hispanic children.

Of those [children] who screen positive, only half are referred to early intervention as research focuses on racial, ethnic and socioeconomic health disparities in access to autism resources.

How the SenseToKnow app works

The new screening tool works like this: parents have their child watch a 10-minute video while the camera records various aspects of behavior. The test predicts the high probability of being autistic based on several factors—what they pay attention to in the video, what facial expressions they make, how they move their head, and how they respond to their name.

Differences in facial expressions are extremely subtle. In practical terms, for parents, reporting these subtleties can be challenging. It is very difficult for a parent to quantify and to even describe.

Of the 475 children who were screened with this app during a primary care visit, 49 of them were eventually diagnosed with autism, while another 98 children were diagnosed with other developmental delays. This prevalence, which is higher than average, was likely due to the opt-in nature of the study, which may have led the parents concerned about their child’s development to enroll.

Sensitivity vs specificity

A good screening tool will reliably identify the kids who are autistic while also identifying the children who aren’t. These aspects of a test’s accuracy are called sensitivity and specificity.

A test’s sensitivity is its ability to detect autism correctly when it is present; specificity is a test’s ability to correctly detect when autism isn’t present.

If a test has poor sensitivity but high specificity, there is a high chance that the children with a positive result will be autistic. However, there also will be a lot of autistic kids, which the test will falsely label as not autistic.

If a test has high sensitivity but poor specificity, then there will be a lot of children incorrectly flagged as being autistic (false positives), but very few autistic children will be overlooked.

When many autistic children are overlooked, it means a delay in receiving the services and accommodations that they need; while a lot of children incorrectly flagged as autistic will lead to long waiting lists to see an expert who can carry out a full evaluation.

You want to balance your sensitivity and your specificity, to try to find as many of the true positives as you possibly can, to get those kids started on intervention services, without clogging up the system with a lot of false positives.

The SenseToKnow app was shown to have a sensitivity rating of 87.8 percent and a specificity rating of 80.8 percent.

More research is needed

Before the SenseToKnow app is ready for use in a primary care setting, it will need further studies, which include validating its accuracy in different groups of children.

The next step is to test this in an independent population to understand its generalizability more broadly. Can it predict outside of the sample that it learned on?”

Testing the SenseToKnow app in a bigger, more diverse set of patients to see if it can still accurately predict autism. Although SenseToKnow’s accuracy was generally quite good, these results weren’t uniform among all groups of patients.

The sensitivity in Black children was great, the specificity was not great.

This lower specificity would mean a higher chance of a child receiving a false positive result—in which the test predicts that a child is autistic when they are not. Given the relatively low number of Black children enrolled in the study, this accuracy can most likely be improved with further testing.

The next step is to test 5,000 or 10,000 kids at a checkup and see how it works.


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I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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