Photographer Toby Binder's series "Divided Youth of Belfast" documents the lives of young people living amid religious tensions in Northern Ireland.
An image from Irinia Shkoda's series "I Am Here for You," which explores the Ukrainian photographer's experience of moving to France as a refugee.
The Cerro Tololo Observatory in Vicuña, Chile, where light pollution from nearby cities and mines is increasingly affecting astronomers' work.
A female skater in India, as featured in the second part of photographer Chantal Pinzi's series "Shred the Patriarchy."
A park ranger transports Congo dwarf crocodiles, a protected but widely hunted species, at Lake Tele in the Republic of the Congo.
In Bolivia's capital La Paz, an employee at the one of the world's highest golf courses practices while wearing traditional Bolivian clothing.
Shot in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, India and Nepal, photographer Ivan Ryaskov's series "Trust Me" explores the bond between people and their horses.
A polar bear is transported via helicopter at a holding facility for animals that, driven by hunger, venture into towns around Canada's Hudson Bay.
The aftermath of a forest fire near the BR-364 highway in Porto Velho, Brazil, as featured in photographer Lalo de Almeida's series "Apocalypse."
Photographer Antonio López Díaz followed four aspiring gymnasts as they pursued their dream of representing Chad at the Olympics.
In Brazil, a practitioner of the Candomblé religion makes an offering to Yemanjá, a deity originating from the Yoruba people of West Africa.
Photographer Rhiannon Adam documented her participation in the canceled dearMoon mission, which aimed to take eight civilians — including Adam — around the moon in a SpaceX craft.
In "The Journey Home from School," photographer Laura Pannack explored the dangers facing children in a gang-ridden part of Cape Town, South Africa.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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