The United States is not a country, it is a BUSINESS
Nothing to Envy
Everything south of the Canadian border is the SOUTH
HEALTH CARE – The Truth About Health Care in the USA, A Possible Solution, Surprise Billing, Obamacare & After, Male Circumcision, The Worst Patients in the World / 3 Reasons the US Health Care System is the Worst in the World
GUN CONTROL – Gun Control in the USA, Concealed Weapons, Permitless Carry
PRISONS – Incarceration in America, Prison Gangs, Prisoners or Patients?
MILITARY – Overview, The F – 35, The Army, The Tragedy of the American Military, Military Uniforms, Rifles, Veterans Administration, Military Expenditure as Percentage of GDP
ABORTION – Abortion in the United States, Indiana, Texas
POLITICS – Cost of Political Campaigns – 2012 US Election, Lobbying in the US, How America Lost Its Mind, America is Not a Democracy, Is the American Idea Over?, Republican Women,
FINANCIAL ISSUES – Wall Street, Retirement Savings, How to Get Rich in America
The 9.9% – The New Aristocracy, Charity in America – Why the Rich Don’t Give,
Levelling America’s Playing Field, The American Dream,
LEGAL – The Legal System in the US and Its Problems, Lack of Public Defenders, Legalization of Gay Marriage and the Sexual Revolution in America
RELIGION – Religion in America, Religion in the South and Sin
IMMIGRATION – Immigration in the USA – 2013
EDUCATION – Charter Schools, What’s College Good For?
DONALD TRUMP – The First White President, Donald Trump Has No Grasp of What it Means to be President, Is Donald Trump Ending the American Era?, Will Donald Trump Destroy the Presidency?, How to Talk Trump, Evangelism & Hypocrisy, Donald Trump is Mentally Ill, The Legacy of Donald Trump, Donald Trump in 2023, It’s Easy to not like Trump,
January 6 – An Analysis of the Insurrection
MISCELLANEOUS – American Work Ethic, Free Trade, 25 Scenic Road Trips in the USA
SCIENCE – Science and Conspiracy Theories, Populism v Education, Common Sense,
Conspiracy Theories,
WHY EARTH HAS LIFE – Why Earth Has Life, Evolutionary History of Life, Earth’s Special Geology, Life Beyond Earth – Are We Alone? Are There Extraterrestrials?,
THE SOLAR SYSTEM – The History of the Solar System, Mars, How the Moon Was Made, Supermoons, Saturn’s Moons, Titan, Asteroids,
The James Webb Telescope, The Extremely Large Telescope,
STARS – What is Inside Stars?, How Stars Die, Formalhaut – How Solar Systems Form, Constellations, The Most-Distant Star, Animals of the Cosmos,
OCEANS – Why the Ocean Matters, Oceans Over Geologic Time, How We Harm the Ocean, Some Marine Environments, How to Help the Ocean, Sharks, Mining the Ocean, Shipping, Coral, Dark Sea Diving, Octopus, Whales, Orcas, Salmon,
Plastic, Alternative Plastic
ENDANGERED ANIMALS – Animal Conservation, China’s Appetite for Endangered Species, The Story of One Poacher, Trade in Wild Animal Parts, Whaling, Whaling in Iceland, Rhino, Sharks, Orangutans,, Wild Obsession, Invasive Species, Lion Skeletons, Indian Star Tortoises, Elephants, Cheetahs,
Monarch Butterflies, Cicadas,
World Population, Longevity
National Geographic Photography, NG Best Photos of the 21st Century,
7 Photographers, Microphotography, Ice Caves, 7 Best Photographs,
Volcanoes 2024, BBC Photos 2024,Wildlife of the Year,
CLIMATE CHANGE – Natural Oscillations in Climate, Setting a Price on Carbon, Methane, Heat, The Earth’s Past, Cement & Climate Change, Mud-Brick Houses. Dust Storms, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Solar Geoengineering, Renewable Energy,
GLOBALISATION – Anti-Globalists, The World Economy, Free Trade, Migration, Capital Mobility, Deregulation and Competition, Saving Globalisation,
Living Standards by Country 2023,
WAR – Wars in the Last 200 Years, War 2023
MEDICINE & SCIENCE – Messenger RNA, Gene Therapy, Viruses, Phages vs Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance, Taste, Learning Languages, Curly Hair, PFASs,
Health Span versus Life Span, Health Care in Canada and the USA
DNA & Archaeology, Redheads, When the Sahara was Green, The First Europeans, China Before it Uniifed.
ABORTION – Abortion – My Experience and The Law in Canada, Contraception and Abortion, Abortion in Latin America 2021, Abortion & Crime,
Saving Lives in Obstetrics,
ALTERNATIVE HEALTH – Placebos, Belief, Multivitamins, Vitamin Patches, Vitamin C, Protein Powders, Collagen, Hormone Imbalance, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Natural Products May Harm the Environment, Aspartame, Phthalates, Ozempic, Sweating Out Toxins, Deodorants & Antiperspirants, Pets, Melatonin, Decongestants (phenylephrine), Tumeric, Magnesium, Caffeine, LED Light Therapy, Dentistry, Sunlight, Vitamin D & Sunscreens, Trigger Points, Oils, Bone Broth, Matcha,
Gut Health, Probiotics, Fecal Transplants, Leaky Gut, Detox, Fasting, Castor Oil,
NUTRITION – Breast Feeding, Mediterranean Diet, Olive Oil, Balkan Breakfast, Protein, Seeds, Whole Grains, Organic Food, The American Diet. Genetically Modified Foods, Milk, Vegetable Peels, Walking, The Japanese Diet, Corn, Resistant Starch, Nuts, Vinegar, Iron, Iodine, Food Expiration Dates, Yoga, Hand Washing,
Sugar, Diet Soda, Going Meat Free,
Parenting, Fatherhood, Distracted Parenting – Using Screens
Love, Estrangement, Meritocracy, Genius, Narcissism,
Toxic Conversation,
Dogs, Cats, Cats Killing All the Birds, Rats, Man’s Relationship With Animals,
The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Invention of the Wheel
COMPUTERS – The Future of Computers, Computer Chips, Computer Chips 2023, Cybercrime
ENERGY – Nuclear Fusion, Thorium Reactors, Coal, Nuclear, Hydrogen,
Sensors that Scavenge Energy, Sodium Batteries,
MINERALS – War Minerals, Critical Minerals
GENERATIONS – As Well Off as Their Parents?, Lost (b. 1883-1900), G. I. (b. 1900-1923), Silent (b. 1924-1943), Baby Boomers (b. 1944-1964), X (b. 1965-1980), Y (b. 1981-1994), Z (b. after 1994)
Why I Hope to Die at 75. The Death Business,
FINANCIAL – KEYS to FINANCIAL SUCCESS – Spending and Consumption, Life Philosophy, Work and Retirement, Financial Education, Stocks or Bonds? Financial Advisors, Asset Managers, Equal-Weighted Index Funds, Gold, Ways Rich People Think Differently, Term Versus Whole Life Insurance, Investing in 2023, Retirement in 2023,
CULTURAL CONTEXT – Cultural Context, Inuit – Understanding Cultural Context, The Polar Bear, “Kabloona”, Inuit Writing, Sealing
Working in the Canadian Arctic
RELIGION – Religion – Definition and Function, Religion & Altruism,
Religion – Another View, Religion & Happiness,
Christianity. To Save the Catholic Church, Dismantle the Priesthood, Priests and Celibacy, Jesus, The Twelve Apostles, Mary, Romans 8:28, Mary Magdalene, Paul,
Islam. ISLAM, ISIS, Five Holiest Sites in Islam, Female Genital Mutilation,
PSYCHOLOGY – Happiness, Your Lying Mind, Mindfulness & Meditation
Happiest Countries in the World 2022, Self Talk, Expressing Gratitude,
Happiness in Old Age, Jung’s Guide to Happierness,
The Silent Treatment,
Friends, Personality & Aptitude Tests,
ADDICTION – One Theory, Treatment of Alcohol Abuse, Sources of Cocaine, Treatment of Drug Abuse, Opiodes,
MARIJUANA – The Drug, Metabolism and History, Medical Issues, Medical Uses, Marijuana & Pain, Legalization, Driving, Cultivation, Indica vs Sativa, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome,
PSYCHEDELICS, Ketamine, Iboga, Tranq, Ketamine for Depression, Psychedelic Animals,
DATING – General Information, Tips for Online Dating, Matchmaking Apps, Laws of Attraction, Deep Dating
Online Dating Scams
CHINA – The One-Child Policy, Chinese Don’t Innovate, China’s Appetite for Endangered Species, China and Fishing, The East and South China Sea, Foreign Relations, Xi Jinping, Surveillance, Party Membership, Health Care in China
JAPAN – My Interest in Japan, Three Reasons Japan’s Economic Pain is Getting Worse, Japan – A Detailed Economic Analysis, Work Ethic, Saving Face, Etiquette in the Home and Society, Etiquette in Business, Problems with the Japanese Education System, Japanese War Crimes, South Korea and Wartime Sex Slaves, Aging Demography
RUSSIA – Putinism, The Economy, Power Structure, Foreign Policy, Modern Life, Past and Future, Putin’s Game